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FOREX DUE DILIGENCE. WELCOME TO FOREX DUE DILIGENCE ARCHIVES Kami akan mempublikasikan di sini setiap hari bila tersedia NEWS mengenai SCAMS dan FRAUDS di Forex Silahkan kunjungi SITUS WEB utama kami untuk mendapatkan informasi lengkap tentang FOREX ALERTS, FOREX SIGNALS, FOREX BROKER, SISTEM FOREX, dan CYCLOPAEDIA INFORMASI FOREX GRATIS. Wednesday, 28 Juni 2006. Semua berasal dari KEITH SAZER seorang jenius forex sejati dengan 12 0 jam belajar. Kami menerima ini dari situsnya sekarang keluar dari layanan why. Hello, nama saya Dustin Pass Saya Presiden dan CEO DPTrading dan Certified Mentor dengan Concorde Forex Group Saya lahir di Ponca City, Oklahoma dan dibesarkan Di tenggara Setelah lulus dari sekolah menengah di Camden County Georgia, saya mengejar hasrat saya untuk mendapatkan mobil melalui karir di industri otomotif. Saya dengan cepat pindah sebagai Teknisi Bersertifikasi GM Sebagai seorang mekanik, tidak butuh waktu lama untuk mengetahui siapa teman Anda sebenarnya. Adalah Ketika bisnis adalah lambat itu setiap orang untuk dirinya sendiri sebuah etos kerja yang saya tidak setuju. Setelah tujuh tahun kerja otomotif saya bertekad untuk menemukan cara yang lebih baik Sekitar saat ini seorang teman dekat mendekati saya dengan proposisi Dia memiliki lansekap Bisnis di Camden County dan siap untuk memperluas ke daerah Jacksonville saya mempromosikan dan mengelola cabang Jacksonville yang akan didanai teman saya Setelah beberapa bulan dan lebih dari satu juta dolar dalam bentuk tawaran, tampaknya kami tidak dapat kucing Ch istirahat Tuhan menutup setiap pintu kami datang untuk melihat ke belakang sekarang, saya sangat bersyukur bahwa hal-hal yang tidak berhasil Jika usaha itu lebih berhasil saya sekarang akan diwajibkan untuk teman saya dan tidak dapat berkonsentrasi pada bisnis yang telah mengubah saya Hidup selamanya. Sejak awal saya dengan CFG saya telah menemukan dorongan baru mengajar Mengajar adalah hadiah yang dua kali lipat untuk saya Setiap kali saya mengajar seorang trader baru, saya tidak hanya memberi mereka kesempatan untuk mandiri secara finansial, tapi saya juga Meningkatkan kemampuan saya sebagai pedagang Saya tidak dapat mulai untuk menggambarkan bagaimana rasanya melihat ekspresi wajah orang-orang begitu mereka menyelesaikan pelatihan mereka Mereka memiliki pandangan yang sama sekali baru mengenai masa depan mereka Sebagai seorang Kristen, hal itu membawa saya kegembiraan untuk memiliki hal yang positif. Pengaruh dalam kehidupan begitu banyak orang. Sebagai mentor saya lebih memilih untuk mengajar secara satu per satu untuk memastikan bahwa murid-murid saya sepenuhnya memahami semua konsep dan teknik trading. Namun, kelas kelompok tersedia juga saya juga merupakan advokat untuk Melanjutkan pendidikan Saya ingin terus berhubungan dekat dengan para pedagang saya untuk memastikan kebiasaan trading yang tepat. Di Jacksonville, kami bangga dengan pendirian sebuah organisasi erat yang berusaha menjamin pendidikan berkelanjutan semua rekan Associated Associates Ed Futch dan saya bekerja sama dalam Mengorganisir sesi Review dan memungkinkan trader baru untuk memiliki kesempatan untuk menghadiri audit diam secara teratur. Jika Anda ingin informasi lebih lanjut tentang Forex dan apa yang dapat dilakukan untuk Anda dan keluarga Anda, kirimi saya pribadi secara pribadi dan saya Akan dengan senang hati menjawab pertanyaan apapun yang Anda had. FOREX JUDGE RING OF FAKE ULASAN. Dari Felix Homogratus, USA Rating SCAM Tanggal Posting 04 21 06 Review Ini adalah sekelompok remaja dari Florida dan New Mexico yang berpura-pura menjadi pedagang bank, Dan yang menjalankan banyak penipuan internet forex dengan menjual informasi Sepertinya mereka melakukan penipuan dengan nama domain berikut, yang saat ini dihentikan dan Pada saat saya menuliskannya S, mereka memiliki tiga situs web aktif Situs web pertama adalah tempat mereka menjual sesuatu untuk 500 situs kedua adalah tempat mereka menjual lansiran, dan situs web ketiga adalah tempat mereka memposting ulasan palsu dari berbagai situs forex, dan memberikan peringkat bintang 5 ke situs web mereka. Mungkin mereka memiliki lebih banyak situs web Sejauh yang saya tahu orang utama Kane West mencuri program forex dari perusahaan lain, membayar seseorang untuk merekayasa ulang mereka, menempatkan namanya pada mereka, dan menjualnya sebagai miliknya. Mereka telah memberikan banyak kesedihan kepada orang-orang. , Dan ada investigasi kriminal yang dibuka di Los Angeles terhadap salah satu dari mereka. Update 5 14 06 Saya dihubungi dari seseorang dari India, yang mengerjakan beberapa pekerjaan pemrograman baru-baru ini, dan mereka mengatakan bahwa setelah menyelesaikan pekerjaan itu, centralpips tidak akan membayar mereka, dan mengabaikannya saya kira orang-orang ini memiliki kebiasaan Mendapatkan sesuatu tanpa alasan dan mengacaukan semua orang di sekitar mereka. Informasi yang saat ini diketahui tentang LAPD ada di bawah. Kane West Rio Rancho, New Mexico. John Gotham 6201 Riviera Dr Coral Gables, Florida 33146 Amerika Serikat. Jose Caraballo 6475 SW 39th Ter miami, Florida 33155 Amerika Serikat Email. Bank Name Wells Fargo Bank, NA 8100 Wyoming Blvd NE J Albuquerque, NM 505 828-4940 Nama akun April Vallejos Routing 107002192 Account 3648162000 Fed Wire routing nomor transit, 121000248 Tujuan gram uang adalah sebagai berikut Nama penerima April Vallejos City Albuquerque State New Mexico Kode Pos 87104.From J USA Rating SCAM Tanggal Posting 03 30 06 Review Mereka juga pemilik dan saya berurusan dengan salah satu penipu utama di yahoo IM namanya adalah Sleeper Omen dan Forex Piphunters Saya melakukan trading setiap hari dengannya dan saya percaya dia adalah trader yang sangat bagus karena dia melakukan beberapa panggilan luar biasa di pasar, tapi ketika saya menginvestasikan 20.000 dengan dana, saya kehilangan semua yang dia tidak akan membalasnya. Saya lagi jadi saya telah menyewa Penyidik Pribadi dan seorang pengacara untuk mendapatkan kembali dana saya yakin saya akan mendapatkan kembali dana dalam beberapa bulan ke depan alias lain yang digunakan dalam kartel ini adalah April Vallejos dari NM saya memiliki transaksi terdokumentasi melalui paypal untuk hak cipta Produk yang dilanggar dari kelompok ini yang diserahkan ke FBI dan perusahaan individual yang menipu IM yahoo saya untuk siapapun yang ingin menghubungi saya adalah 5054040. Dari Owen, Inggris Rating SCAM Tanggal Posting 03 17 06 Tinjau Orang-orang ini Menjual indikator yang tersedia secara bebas Saya diemail untuk mengeluh karena saya adalah penulis salah satu indikator yang mereka jual. Mereka menawarkan untuk menelepon saya dan saya memberikan rincian kontak Sejak saat itu saya telah menerima banyak panggilan mengancam sebuah Nd email Tidak perlu ada orang yang membeli barang dari orang-orang ini Siapa pun yang telah ditipu harus menghubungi perusahaan kartu kredit mereka dan mengajukan tagihan balik.2006 PESANAN PENCEGAHAN CFTC DAN KELUHAN YANG BERKAITAN DENGAN Pengadilan Negeri FOREX. US Membekukan Aset Florida Selatan Perusahaan Mata Uang Asing First International Group, Inc Berdasarkan Biaya Penipuan oleh CFTC CFTC Mengasumsikan bahwa First International Group dan Two Brokers telah mengajukan permintaan lalu lintas palsu dan menyesatkan kepada investor dalam valuta asing Opsi Forex Kontrak 5177-06, 27 April 2006 Pesanan Pembekuan Aset Keluhan. CFTC Mengisi Perusahaan New York Falco Hakim Pengadilan Distrik AS Membekukan Aset Terdakwa dan Melarang Terdakwa dari Dokumen yang Menghancurkan 5165-06, 15 Maret 2006 Pesanan Pembekuan Aset Pengaduan. CFTC Membebankan Dua Hedge Fund Staten Island Dan Prinsipal Mereka Dengan Mencuri Jutaan Dolar Dalam Mata Uang Asing Skema CFTC Complaint Menegaskan Bahwa Alexsander Efrosman, Century Maxim Fund, Inc dan AJR Capital Inc Curang S Pelanggan yang Terfavorit untuk Perdagangan Kontrak Berjangka Valuta Asing 5153-06, 30 Januari 2006 Keluhan Order. Monday, 19 Juni 2006.Forex scam Oleh Aries C Rufo Newsbreak staff writer. A beberapa bulan yang lalu, ibu rumah tangga Elvie Marasigan sangat senang berbicara dengan suaminya. Di telepon tentang usaha investasi yang baru saja dia masuki, Anda tidak akan mempercayainya, dia memberi tahu suaminya, tapi uang kami dua kali lipat dalam dua bulan saja dan saya mengembalikan uangnya sehingga kami bisa berlibur saat Anda pulang. Mampu membujuk suaminya untuk memajukan gaji enam bulannya dari pekerjaan di luar negeri sehingga dia dapat mengumpulkan penempatan awal 4.000 dolar yang dipersyaratkan dalam usaha bisnis valuta asing yang sama sekali tidak dia ketahui. Dia tertarik dengan sebuah janji akan kembalinya yang lumayan dalam Dalam waktu singkat Dia kemudian diberitahu bahwa uang bibit 4.000 dolar telah menghasilkan 9.000 dolar. Menghubungi pedagangnya, Elvie disarankan untuk mendaftarkan putrinya dalam bisnis ini, dengan menggunakan 5.000 dolar yang dia berikan hanya untuk dia setuju, Sekutu menghitung uang yang akan dia hasilkan pada akhir tahun ini. Oriano Abreo, 43, memanfaatkan program pensiun awal atasan California Manufacturing Corp tahun lalu sehingga dia bisa mengumpulkan 8.000 dolar sebagai investasi benih untuk usaha forex yang saya minati oleh perusahaan besar. Kembali Setelah sebulan, mereka mengatakan kepada saya bahwa saya telah mendapatkan 1.100 dolar Dia terkesan bahwa saya sudah menanti-nanti masa pensiun yang nyaman. Tapi pada bulan Agustus yang lalu, impian mereka hancur ketika usaha forex ternyata menjadi penipuan yang menghapus seluruh investasi mereka. Saya tidak tahu harus berbuat apa, suami saya akan segera kembali. Apa yang akan saya katakan padanya, kata Elvie, terisak-isak. Ponciano hanya bisa menggelengkan kepalanya dengan tak percaya. Uang pensiun saya hilang. Kemana saya akan mendapatkan uang untuk memberi makan keluarga saya. Elvie dan Ponciano, puluhan ibu rumah tangga dan pensiunan telah ditipu, bersama dengan pejabat militer dan polisi, selebriti, dan bahkan politisi. Mengajukan Bisnis. Dua tahun yang lalu, Kendeigh Foreign Exchange Corp terdaftar with the Securities and Exchange Commission SEC with Malaysians Tham Fook Chong and New Hook Soon listed as president and treasurer, respectively The company s name was a misnomer, since the corporation was licensed to operate only as a money changer Except for banks, the SEC in 1996 banned the participation of foreign exchange companies in currency trading because of its highly speculative nature. Occupying two floors at the Peak Tower in Makati as office, Tham purchased expensive equipment, furniture and fixtures to project an aura of legitimate and extensive operations which are common features of a scam, former Rep Edcel Lagman, counsel for the victims, says. They hired fresh graduates from the University of the Philippines, La Salle, and Ateneo as traders They were offered a monthly pay of 10,000 pesos, excluding commissions The young recruits were promised a 10-percent commission for every transaction sealed The minimum investment was 10,000 dollars To complete the charade, the you ng staff underwent a seminar on forex trading to prepare them for the job, says trader Diane Palmes. Soon, word of the profitable investment scheme spread and in less than two years, the investors expanded exponentially Military and police officials, lawmakers, including a senator, a media personality, celebrities, housewives, and returning overseas Filipino workers, eagerly gambled their money in the scheme, all wanting to earn easy money The traders, too, were lured into the trap and began making investments themselves. Trader-investor Dan Dizon explains that under the normal set-up, the dollar investments, placed in local depository banks under Kendeigh s account, would be traded out in the currency market based on forex prices quoted from another Indonesian firm, PT Wahana Ika Bina Indonesia Based on the quoted prices, the trader decides either to buy or sell, depending on the trading arrangement with the client The traded money, in turn, is remitted to participating foreign banks fo r execution. But as it turns out, the forex currency dealing was simulated and no actual trading took place, Lagman says The traders later found out that the dollars were not being remitted to the banks for execution The suspects kept the money for themselves to support a profligate lifestyle while in the country. One trader, suspecting that something anomalous was going on, pried into Kendeigh s documents and found out the company was a sham The trader tipped the National Bureau of Investigation NBI and a raid was planned. Documents show that a total of 3 743 million dollars 190 901 million pesos worth of investments had been solicited from 300 investors Half the amount, 106 million pesos, was stashed away by Tham and his cohorts Some 15 million pesos was transferred to Tham s bank account in the Virgin Islands and Malaysia. Part of the money was spent on gambling and women, Lagman says Tham, he adds, frequents casinos and expensive girlie joints Records also show that only 38,257 20 doll ars remains in depository banks here. On August 2, a 15-man team of the NBI Special Action Unit led by agent Albert Guerlan raided the Kendeigh Makati office, collaring Tham and two other Malaysians Ng Boom Ket, a k a. Desmond Ng, and Sunderesan Al Doriasamy, a k a Sunder Some traders, still clueless about what was happening, were still trading out currencies. The three suspects were brought to the NBI headquarters pending inquest before the Makati Prosecutors Office The following day, a Friday, the suspects were released, enabling them to fly out of the country the next day This prompted suspicions that the NBI may have been paid off. Before the suspects were brought to the NBI, Tham, accompanied by some agents, was reportedly still able to withdraw some money Suspicions about collusion were fueled by the NBI s release of Tham and the two other suspects without a case being filed against them. Gaerlan, however, explains that Tham was released because the SEC failed to submit on time a certification that Kendeigh is barred from conducting forex trading We needed the certification for the inquest It arrived Tuesday We would have been charged with arbitrary illegal detention if we continued to detain him for more than 24 hours, Gaerlan says. The NBI decided instead to file a case directly before the court but the suspects had already bought time They left the country on Saturday. Kendeigh is not the first forex firm that the NBI has raided Hundreds of unsuspecting people had been gypped before, involving millions of dollars. Since 2000, Gaerlan says five other firms have been raided, and one Filipino lawyer, Reynaldo Patacsil, is behind bars The raided companies were Regent Management and Consultancy Inc Eastern Vanguard Forex Ltd Belkin s Profits Ltd Belkin Management Consultancy Inc and Data Exchange Network Regent was owned by a Singaporean and Eastern was headed by a Hong Kong operator Patacsil operated Belkins. Gaerlan says there are dozens of firms engaged in similar operations but the NBI can only go after those that had been reported to the agency He says the SEC, which is supposed to check scam operations, is constrained by logistics. Efforts through diplomatic channels are bei ng initiated by Lagman to locate the suspects who are believed to be in hiding in Malaysia The NBI, for its part, is now coordinating with Interpol counterparts to secure an international warrant of arrest against the suspects. Gaerlan says one can immediately detect scams by taking note of tell-tale signs He says the promise of big returns, in some cases, in just a few hours, is one A P O box for an address, as in the case of Kendeigh in Malaysia, is another. He says he won t be surprised if more people fall prey to the scam The perpetrators know how to tap one human flaw greed and the desire for a quick buck. CFTC Warns the Public About Investment Opportunities Promising Large Profits and Little Risk, Even When Offered by Friends and Acquaintances. WASHINGTON, D C -- The U S Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC today issued a Consumer Advisory warning the public to use caution before investing in a commodity pool that makes extravagant claims, even when the investment opportunity is offered by a friend or relative or someone else they know In the CFTC s experience, the fact that you know the person offering an investment opportunity is not always a guarantee of reliability, particularly when the person guarantees profits with little risk The CFTC has brought numerous actions against persons making such fraudulent offersmodity pool operators are persons or entities who raise funds and pool them together to trade commodity futures and options Unregistered pool operators often use word of mouth or e-mail among friends and relatives, religious or ethnic affiliations, community or social organizations, as well as other networks of acquaintances, to convince members of the public that they can make money quickly by investing in commodity pools In many cases, however, the investment schemes turn out to be fraudulent, and investors lose their entire investment, sometimes as a result of outright theft. CFTC Chairman James E Newsome commented. While the CFTC is doing everything it can to take enforcement action against unlawful commodity pool operators, we also want to help members of the public protect themselves against such fraud Today s Advisory sends a clear message before investing in something that sounds to good to be true, you should check it out, even if the investment is offered by someone you know. One Fraudulent Operator Preyed on Members of His Cancer Support Group. Investors lose millions of dollars every year in phony commodity pools, including fictitious hedge funds that trade commodity futures and options In the last three years, the CFTC has filed 39 actions throughout the United States involving fraudulent activity connected with commodity pools Investors in those pools lost over 110 million in the aggregate In most of those cases, the pool operators solicited investments from friends or acquaintances, exploiting their personal relationships to gain the trust and confidence of investors In the CFTC s experi ence, the promotional activities of these pool operators often promise quick riches such as the ability to double or triple the investor s initial investment in months with low risk In one instance, the CFTC even discovered that a person who was operating a commodity pool fraudulently had solicited investments from members of his cancer support group. The CFTC urges investors to be skeptical when told that someone s services can earn them large profits with minimal risk even when the person recommending the trading services is a friend or relative. Consumers are advised to watch for the warning signs listed below and to take precautions before trading futures or options with a friend or anyone else, or giving someone funds to invest in a commodity pool. Avoid trading through any person, even someone known to you or recommended by friends, based on promises of large profits with little or no financial risk. Always take the same precautions to investigate the investment opportunity, whether you know the trader or not. Find out whether the person or company is registered with the CFTC or has any commodity industry disciplinary history by contacting the National Futures Association NFA at 1-800-676-4632, or has a disciplinary history with other state or local authorities. Insist on seeing the pool s disclosure documents and performance history. If in doubt, don t invest If you can t get solid information about the pool operator s trading practices, you may not want to risk your money. To see a copy of the Consumer Advisory, go to the following Internet web address A list of the 39 commodity pool fraud cases filed by the Commission since 1998, with descriptive text, is available upon request from the Office of Public Affairs 202 418-5080 and is also available on the CFTC s website. Note to editors The CFTC has also published five other Consumer Alerts, which can be found at - advisory. Daniel Nathan Deputy Director, CFTC Division of Enforcement 202 418-5314.FOREIGN CURRENCY TRADING FRAUDS. Have you been solicited to trade foreign currency contracts also known as forex. If so, you need to know how to spot foreign currency trading frauds. The United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC , the federal agency that regulates commodity futures and options markets in the United States, warns consumers to take special care to protect themselves from the various kinds of frauds being perpetrated in today s financial markets, including those involving so-called foreign currency trading. A new federal law, the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000, makes clear that the CFTC has the jurisdiction and authority to investigate and take legal action to close down a wide assortment of unregulated firms offering or selling foreign currency futures and options contracts to the general public In addition, the CFTC has jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute foreign currency fraud occurring in its registered firms and their affiliates. The CFTC has witnessed the increasing numbers and growing complexity of financial investment opportunities in recent years, including a sharp rise in foreign currency trading scams While much foreign currency trading is legitimate, various forms of foreign currency trading have been touted in recent years to defraud members of the public. Currency trading scams often attract customers through advertisements in local newspapers, radio promotions or attractive Internet sites These advertisements may tout high-return, low-risk investment opportunities in foreign currency trading, or even highly-paid currency-trading employment opportunities The CFTC urges you to be skeptical when promoters of foreign currency trading claim that their services or account management will earn high profits with minimal risks, or that employmen t as a currency trader will make you wealthy quickly. Understanding Legitimate Foreign Currency Operations. Generally speaking, foreign currency futures and options contracts may be traded legally on an exchange or board of trade that has been approved by the CFTC. Even where currency trading does not occur on a Commission-approved exchange or board of trade, the trading can be conducted legally where, generally speaking, one or both parties to the trading is or is a regulated affiliate of a bank, insurance company, registered securities broker-dealer, futures commission merchant or other financial institution, or is an individual or entity with a high net worth. Where forex firms do not fall into the categories of regulated entities outlined above and engage in foreign currency futures and options transactions with or for retail customers who do not have high net worths, the CFTC has jurisdiction over those firms and their transactions. Warning Signs of Fraud. If you are solicited by a comp any that claims to trade foreign currencies and asks you to commit funds for those purposes, you should be very careful Watch for the warning signs listed below, and take the following precautions before placing your funds with any currency trading company.1 Stay Away From Opportunities That Sound Too Good to Be True. Get-rich-quick schemes, including those involving foreign currency trading, tend to be frauds. Always remember that there is no such thing as a free lunch Be especially cautious if you have acquired a large sum of cash recently and are looking for a safe investment vehicle In particular, retirees with access to their retirement funds may be attractive targets for fraudulent operators Getting your money back once it is gone can be difficult or impossible.2 Avoid Any Company that Predicts or Guarantees Large Profits. Be extremely wary of companies that guarantee profits, or that tout extremely high performance In many cases, those claims are false. The following are examples of statements that either are or most likely are fraudulent. Whether the market moves up or down, in the currency market you will make a profit. Make 1000 per week, every week. We are out-performing 90 of domestic investments. The main advantage of the forex markets is that there is no bear market. We guarantee you will make at least a 30-40 rate of return within two months.3 Stay Away From Companies That Promise Little or No Financial Risk. Be suspicious of companies that downplay risks or state that written risk disclosure statements are routine formalities imposed by the government. The currency futures and options markets are volatile and contain substantial risks for unsophisticated customers The currency futures and options markets are not the place to put any funds that you cannot afford to lose For example, retirement funds should not be used for currency trading You can lose most or all of those funds very quickly trading foreign currency futures or options contracts Therefore, beware of companies that make the following types of statements. With a 10,000 deposit, the maximum you can lose is 200 to 250 per day. We promise to recover any losses you have. Your investment is secure.4 Don t Trade on Margin Unless You Understand What It Means. Margin trading can make you responsible for losses that greatly exceed the dollar amount you deposited. Many currency traders ask customers to give them money, which they sometimes refer to as margin, often sums in the range of 1,000 to 5,000 However, those amounts, which are relatively small in the currency markets, actually control far larger dollar amounts of trading, a fact that often is poorly explained to customers. Don t trade on margin unless you fully understand what you are doing and are prepared to accept losses that exceed the margin amounts you paid.5 Question Firms That Claim To Trade in the Interbank Market. Be wary of firms that claim that you can or should trade in the interbank market, or that they will do so on your behalf. Unregulated, fraudulent currency trading firms often tell retail customers that their funds are traded in the interbank market, where good prices can be obtained Fir ms that trade currencies in the interbank market, however, are most likely to be banks, investment banks and large corporations, since the term interbank market refers simply to a loose network of currency transactions negotiated between financial institutions and other large companies.6 Be Wary of Sending or Transferring Cash on the Internet, By Mail or Otherwise. Be especially alert to the dangers of trading on-line it is very easy to transfer funds on-line, but often can be impossible to get a refund. It costs an Internet advertiser just pennies per day to reach a potential audience of millions of persons, and phony currency trading firms have seized upon the Internet as an inexpensive and effective way of reaching a large pool of potential customers. Many companies offering currency trading on-line are not located within the United States and may not display an address or any other information identifying their nationality on their Web site Be aware that if you transfer funds to those foreign firms, it may be very difficult or impossible to recover your funds.7 Currency Scams Often Target Members of Ethnic Minorities. Some currency trading scams target potential customers in ethnic communities, particularly persons in the Russian, Chinese and Indian immigrant communities, through advertisements in ethnic newspapers and television infomercials. Sometimes those advertisements offer so-called job opportunities for account executives to trade foreign currencies Be aware that account executives that are hired might be expected to use their own money for currency trading, as well as to recruit their family and friends to do likewise What appears to be a promising job opportunity often is another way many of these companies lure customers into parting with their cash.8 Be Sure You Get the Company s Performance Track Record. Get as much information as possible about the firm s or individual s performance record on behalf of other clients You should be aware, however, that It may be difficult or impossible to do so, or to verify the information you receive While firms and individuals are not required to provide this information, you should be wary of any person who is not willing to do so or who provides you with incomplete information However, keep in mind, even if you do receive a glossy brochure or sophisticated-looking charts, that the information they contain might be false.9 Don t Deal With Anyone Who Won t Give You Their Background. Plan to do a lot of checking of any information you receive to be sure that the company is and does exactly what it says. Get the background of the persons running or promoting the company, if possible Do not rely solely on oral statements or promises from the firm s employees Ask for all information in written form. If you cannot satisfy yourself that the persons with whom you are dealing are completely legitimate and above-board, the wisest course of action is to avoid trading foreign currencies through those companies.10 Warning Signs Of Commodity Come-Ons. If you are solicited by a company to purchase commodities, watch for the warning signs listed below. Avoid any company that predicts or guarantees large profits with little or no financial risk. Be wary of high-pressure tactics to convince you to send or transfer cash immediately to the firm, via overnight delivery companies, the internet, by mail, or otherwise. Be skeptical about unsolicited phone calls about investments from offshore salespersons or companies with which you are unfamiliar. Prior to purchasing. Contact the CFTC. Visit the CFTC s forex fraud web page. Contact the National Futures Association to see whether the company is registered with the CFTC or is a members of the National Futures Association NFA You can do this easily by calling the NFA 800-621-3570 or 800-676-4NFA or by checking the NFA s registration and membership information on its website at While registration may not be required, you might want to confirm the status and disciplin ary record of a particular company or salesperson. Get in touch with other authorities including your state s securities commissioner , Attorney General s consumer protection bureau , the Better Business Bureau and the National Futures Association. Be sure you get all information about the company and verify that data, if possible If you can, check the company s materials with someone whose financial advice you trust. Learn all possible information about fees charged and the basis for each of these charges. If in doubt, don t invest If you can t get solid information about the company, the salesperson, and the investment, you may not want to risk your money.11 More Information and Contacts. Questions concerning this advisory may be addressed to the CFTC s Office of Public Affairs at 202 418-5080modity Futures Trading Commission Three LaFayette Centre 1155 21 st Street, N W Washington, D C 20581.The Commodity Futures Modernization Act is available in our Law and Regulation page requires an A dobe Acrobat reader, which can be downloaded for free from and numerous other sites on the Internet. For other consumer advisories concerning possible fraudulent activity in the commodity futures and options industry, click on the Customer Protection page. Contact the National Fraud Information Center. The CFTC s website also offers general information about trading in the commodity futures and options markets You may wish to visit our Before You Trade page. To find out whether firms or counterparties with whom you plan to trade are registered or regulated institutions or entities that are outside the CFTC s jurisdiction, you can check the lists of regulated institutions on the following websites Some institutions outside the CFTC s jurisdiction do not appear on any of these lists or in other readily-available places. Federal Reserve Board. Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. U S Securities and Exchange Commission. The Office of the Comptro ller of the Currency. Office of Thrift Supervision. National Credit Union Association. National Association of Securities Dealers Regulation, Inc. All U S Government web sites can be located through links at. Your state Attorney General s office and state banking, insurance and securities regulators which often have their own web sites. Friday, May 19, 2006.BBB Spotting Forex Fraud. With financial markets on the upswing, many consumers are re-evaluating their investment options Solicitations to trade foreign currency contracts, also known as forex , are particularly tempting Ads for high-return, low-risk investment opportunities in foreign currency trading are blanketing local newspapers, radio promotions and attractive Internet sites Are these offers too good to be true. Sometimes, they are While much forex trading is legitimate, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC reports a sharp rise in foreign currency trading scams How does one sort through the offers to select a reputable opera tion The CFTC and the Better Business Bureau offer the following warning signs of fraud to those who are considering forex investment opportunities. Too good to be true claims Get-rich-quick schemes are actually lose-everything-quick schemes Be particularly cautious if you have recently acquired a large sum of cash Retirees make easy victims. Offers that predict or guarantee large profits Such claims are false No person or business has a crystal ball that can predict the future. Offers that promise little or no risk If the company claims that written risk disclosure statements are routine formalities imposed by the government, beware Do not fall for promises that your investment is secure or that there is a maximum that you can lose per day. Pressure to invest funds that you cannot afford to lose The currency futures and options markets are volatile they contain substantial risks for unsophisticated customers Reputable companies will permit you time to evaluate their offer and make an informed decision. Unwillingness to provide a performance record Always obtain the company s track record, and verify that data with other sources and so meone whose financial advice you trust Even the glossiest of brochures can contain false information. High-pressure tactics to send or transfer cash immediately Phony currency trading firms have seized upon the Internet as an inexpensive way to reach potential customers Many such firms are not located within the U S and do not display any information identifying their location Once you transfer your funds offshore, it becomes very difficult or impossible to recover your investment. Reluctance to provide credentials or background information Do not deal with anyone who will not give you requested information about their expertise, experience, and industry registration or relevant association membership details in writing. Prior to purchasing any forex, check whether the company is registered with the CFTC or is a member of the National Futures Association Other sources of helpful information include your state securities commission Attorney General and Better Business Bureau. If in doubt, d o not invest If you can not get solid information about the company, the salesperson and the investment, why would you want to risk your money 9 4 2003. 2003 Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc. Tuesday, March 07, 2006.UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION. LITIGATION RELEASE NO 14837 March 6, 1996.SECURITIES Owner, John Peter D Onofrio, and Employees Christopher Peck, Gary Baugh, and Lea Lauren Allegedly Lied to Customers When Pitching Foreign Currency Options Predecessor Company Chadwick Grayson Bauer CFTC Charges Marin Illiev Yanev with Fraudulent Solicitation of Customers Through His Websites, 5132-05, October 19, 2005 Complaint Asset Freeze Order. CFTC CHARGES FLORIDA BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY EXCHANGE, INC AND ITS PRINCIPALS WITH 900,000 FOREIGN CURRENCY OPTIONS SCAM CFTC Alleges that International Currency Exchange, Inc Michael Cottec, John Aucella, and Eugene Aucella Fraudulently Solicited Customers Worldwide Clearing, LLC Also Charged, 5131-05, October 18, 2 005 Complaint Order. CFTC BRINGS FRAUD CHARGES AGAINST SOUTH AFRICAN RESIDENT JAMES DE WET WHO OPERATES COMPANY TEAM FOREX INTERNATIONAL AND WEBSITE CFTC Alleges That de Wet, Doing Business As Team Forex International, Misrepresented His Trading Track Record, 5126-05, October 5, 2005 Complaint. CFTC CHARGES FLORIDA FOREIGN CURRENCY FIRM PRESIDENTIAL FX, INC AND TWO EMPLOYEES WITH FRAUD CFTC Alleges That Firm and Employee Joseph Marchiano Fraudulently Solicited Customers to Trade Foreign Currency Options Adam Len is Charged as a Controlling Person of Presidential, 5102-05, July 29, 2005 Complaint Preliminary Injunction. CFTC AND STATE OF CALIFORNIA CHARGE SAN FRANCISCO FOREIGN CURRENCY FIRM NATIONAL INVESTMENT CONSULTANTS, INC AND OTHER COMPANIES AND INDIVIDUALS WITH FRAUD Federal Court Freezes Assets of National Investment Consultants, Inc South China Investments, Inc Pacific Best Group Limited, a k a Pacific Best Company Ltd Run Ping Zhou, a k a Flora Zhou Yi Kerry Xu and Wei M Tse , a k a Raymond Tse, 5099-05, July 21, 2005 Complaint Asset Freeze Order. FEDERAL COURT FREEZES ASSETS OF FIVE FLORIDA FOREIGN CURRENCY FOREX BOILER ROOMS AND FIVE INDIVIDUALS CHARGED WITH DEFRAUDING CUSTOMERS OF OVER 17 MILLION U S Commodity Futures Trading Commission Charges Fraudulent Solicitation of Customers to Trade Foreign Currency Options Contracts By Defendants World Market Advisors, Inc U S Capital Management, Inc United Equity Group, Inc Liberty One Advisors, LLC, Lighthouse Capital Management, LLC, Jason T Dean, Steven D Knowles, Paul F Plunkett, Joseph D Valko and Jeffrey Paul Jedlicki Universal Options, Inc Qualified Leverage Providers, Inc and Safeguard FX, LLC Also Charged With Liability As Principals Complaint Charges More Than 96 Percent of Customers Lost Money While Paying Defendants 8 6 Million in Commission, 5092-05, June 29, 2005 Complaint SRO - Order PI - Order. FEDERAL COURT FREEZES ASSETS OF FLORIDA FIRM WINDSOR FOREX TRADING CORP AND ITS OWNER, ANTHONY FRISONE, IN FOREIGN CURRENCY FOREX FRAUD CASE Registered Futures Commission Merchant COES FX Clearing, Inc Consents to Entry of Preliminary Injunction, 5086-05, June 20, 2005 Complaint Preliminary Injunction-1 Preliminary Injunction-2 Restraining Order. CFTC CHARGES THREE FLORIDA MEN AND TWO COMPANIES WITH 3 MILLION FOREIGN CURRENCY OPTIONS FRAUD Melvin Webman, Larry Webman, Lyle Wexler, International Forex Advisory Group, and Worldwide Currencies Corp Charged with Defrauding Over 125 Customers, 5079-05, May 25, 2005 Complaint. CFTC CHARGES THREE DEFENDANTS IN FLORIDA AND ONE DEFENDANT IN CALIFORNIA WITH FOREIGN CURRENCY OPTIONS FRAUD Amended Complaint Alleges the Defendants Activities Caused Losses of More than 5 8 Million to at Least 350 Customers, 5073-05, April 28, 2005 Amended Complaint. CALIFORNIA FEDERAL COURT ORDERS CITY TRUST AND INVESTMENT CO LTD OF TOKYO, JAPAN, TO PAY MORE THAN 11 MILLION IN FOREIGN CURRENCY SCAM Federal Court Orders Defendant to Pay Civil Penalty and Repay Defraud ed Customers, 5072-05, April 27, 2005 Order. COURT ISSUES ORDER REQUIRING FLORIDA RESIDENTS WILLIAM A FOLINO, GEORGE BELANGER AND INVESTORS FREEDOM CLUB LC TO PAY OVER 2 MILLION IN RESTITUTION IN FOREX COMMODITY SCAM William Folino Also Ordered To Pay Up To 2 3 Million In Civil Penalties, 5066-05, April 12, 2005 March 30 Order April 4 Order April 8 Order. FEDERAL COURT ISSUES INTERIM ORDER BARRING FOREIGN FUND, AN INTERNET CURRENCY TRADING FIRM, FROM DEFRAUDING CUSTOMERS, AND ORDERS THE APPOINTMENT OF A TEMPORARY RECEIVER Court s Order Continues Asset Freeze against Foreign Fund and Bars the Sale of Illegal Futures Contracts, 5063-05, March 31, 2005 Order. CALIFORNIA FOREIGN CURRENCY FIRM AND ITS PRINCIPAL AGREE TO PAY OVER 1 MILLION IN SETTLEMENT OF U S GOVERNMENT FOREIGN CURRENCY FRAUD ACTION In Settling Charges by the U S Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Defendants Ben Ouyang and Victco Financial Services, Inc Consented to Release over 1 Million in Frozen Funds as Restitution to Defrauded Customers Consent Order also Imp oses Civil Penalty of 120,000 and a Permanent Injunction, 5060-05, March 23, 2005 Order. CFTC CHARGES FLORIDA MAN AND HIS COMPANY WITH VIOLATIONS BASED ON OFFER AND SALE OF FOREIGN CURRENCY OPTIONS William David Seigler, Jr and Sonoma Trading Corporation Allegedly Solicited Customers to Trade Foreign Currency Forex Options Contracts Via the Internet, 5056-06, March 15, 2005 Complaint Order. FEDERAL COURT FREEZES ASSETS OF FLORIDA FOREIGN CURRENCY FIRM AND OTHERS IN U S GOVERNMENT LAWSUIT CHARGING A COMMODITY OPTIONS SCAM CFTC Charges Mercury Partners, Inc Mercury Financial Partners, Inc Mercury Management, L C Bruce N Crown Andrew Bartos and Michael Morgan with Fraud and Misappropriation of Customer Funds, 5055-05, March 15, 2005 Complaint Order. Tennessee Foreign Currency Firm FxTrade Financial, LLC, and Jeffrey Mischler, its CEO and Managing Partner, Along with Seven Others, Agree to Order Finding that They Violated Court Orders Preventing Dissipation of Customer Funds 5051-05, Feb ruary 24, 2005 Order. U S COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION AND OTHER FEDERAL AUTHORITIES COOPERATE TO SHUT DOWN NEW YORK FOREIGN CURRENCY FOREX BOILER ROOM OPERATION CFTC CHARGES RICHMOND GLOBAL ENTITIES OF STATEN ISLAND, NEW YORK AND FOUR INDIVIDUALS WITH DEFRAUDING 160 CUSTOMERS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN FOREX SCHEME CFTC Assisted U S Attorney s Office for the Southern District of New York and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, 5050-05, February 18, 2005 Complaint Restraining Order. CFTC AWARDED FINAL JUDGMENT IN FRAUD ACTION AGAINST INTERTRADE FOREX, INC AND UK RESIDENT PRITESH PATEL Defendants Ordered to Pay More Than 650,000 in Civil Penalty and Customer Restitution, 5047-05, February 2, 2005 Order. Federal Court Orders New Jersey Resident James I Weiss and Clearview Capital Management, Inc to Pay Sanctions of 800,000 in Foreign Currency Fraud Case 5046-05, February 2, 2005 Permanent Injunction Order. CALIFORNIA FEDERAL JUDGE ORDERS ARREST OF JIAN ZHUANG, PRESIDENT OF LOS ANGE LES-AREA FOREIGN CURRENCY FIRM EMERALD WORLDWIDE HOLDINGS, INC IN LAWSUIT CHARGING A COMMODITIES SCAM Zhuang Failed to Pay Money Sanctions Arising Out of Earlier Contempt Order in CFTC Case Charging Zhuang and Others With Defrauding More than 300 Customers of Over 5 Million, 5036-05, January 11, 2005 Order.
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